
It is your responsibility to read the description for the campsite you reserve and follow the allotted number of vehicles and size dimensions. There is no over flow parking for additional vehicles. We suggest you reserve a second site for additional vehicles and people as needed.
Do not attempt to park additional vehicles in any other location (ie along the inside or outside of fence line or by moving barriers). Do not move rocks for additional space or to level any vehicle. Bring your own vehicle levelers.
Cabins allow for two vehicle per cabin, and a reserved space is available directly in front of each cabin. Do not park your second vehicle in any other location. Contact the Rock Ranch if you have any issues with parking.
There are 4 day use lot areas for people visiting the property during the day. No overnight parking is allowed in these lots. If you reserved a campsite do not park in any of the day use lots.


A host will check the reservation system before the 11am checkout and tag each site with a current card including name, date, guests paid, and vehicle count. We no longer require envelopes to be filled out by guests and returned to the registration box. A host will come around in the evenings to change any cards if necessary, as well as follow up with any issues from the morning rounds. All guests must be paid for in advance. Payment can be processed HERE and a link is provided in the reminder email sent 3 days before the start of a reservation.
Hammocks are currently allowed, but the trees must be properly protected. If a hammock is considered to be damaging a tree it will be removed. Slack lines are not allowed anywhere on the property.

Watershed Zone, Drinking Water:

Urinating and defecation on the property will not be tolerated. You will be asked to leave immediately with no refund. The property is on a natural water shed by way of the Ten Sleep Creek. Respect this policy and the people who use the creek as a drinking water source. 
There is to be no bathing, cleaning of dishes, or washing of clothes in the Ten Sleep Creek. No additional chemicals, whether they are labeled ‘organic’, ‘environmentally safe’, or otherwise are allowed. A bathing suit is required at all times while on the property. 
Drinking water is available at the bathhouse and does not need to be boiled.


Refrigerators are checked regularly. Your items must be marked with the end date of your reservation. If your food is spoiling we reserve the right to dispose of it immediately for health safety issues. Do not leave your dishes or other personal items in or around the sink. Keep this area clean for all guests (and not for pests). Clean up any mess you make in the communal sink area, including inside of the microwave. 
Do not leave items unattended in the social area under the blue pavilion or on the deck. Do not leave hammocks, chairs, or other personal items. 
Packages and mail can be sent to the Rock Ranch address. Items are stored on a communal shelf behind the large house. Package delivery is a free convenience, not a service. Ten Sleep Rock Ranch assumes no liability for package delivery, security, or loss.


Email to make a request for editing or cancelling a reservation. Our VA (virtual assistant) will reply between 8am and 6pm MST.
For all policies, one full day is equal to 24 hours. A link to this policy is included in email communications sent out upon payment confirmation, 10 days before the start of a reservation, and 3 days before the start of a reservation.

Full Cancellation AND Partial Cancellation:
Applies to cancelling an entire reservation, or cancelling part of a reservation.

7+ Full Days Advance Notice –
A request made 7 or more full days before the start date and time of a reservation incurs a cancellation fee of 25%, which is deducted from the total original payment.

1-6 Full Days Advance Notice –
A request made between 1 and 6 full days before the start date and time of a reservation incurs a cancellation fee of 50%, which is deducted from the total original payment.

Requesting Additional Nights:
Applies to expanding the date range of an existing reservation.

Option 1 is to reserve additional days online through our website.
Option 2 is to email or call to request additional nights.

Requests are accepted at any time for extending the dates of a reservation. Full payment is required when requesting additional nights. This will be treated as a separate reservation, and follow its own cancellation and edit request timeline per our policies.

Applies to changing the entire date range of a reservation.

When rescheduling an entire reservation, the requested date range must be within the same calendar year. Each reservation can only be rescheduled once. Requests are accepted 7+ full days before the start date and time of a reservation. This edit incurs a $10 processing fee, in addition to any price difference.

If the total amount due increases full payment is required upon request of change.
If the total amount due decreases any refund will follow the Partial Cancellation Policy.

Requesting a Different Accommodation:
Applies to changing cabins, campsites, or between

Email or call to request the reservation be moved to a different accommodation. Requests are accepted 7+ full days before the start date and time of a reservation.

If the total amount due increases full payment is required upon request of change.
If the total amount due decreases any refund will follow the Partial Cancellation policy.

Transfer of Accommodation:

A reservation can only be transferred once to a new person. The accommodation and date range must remain the same. All guests originally paid for must remain on the same site, and there are no refunds. Credit cannot be given to any new guest not originally paid for.

It is the responsibility of the original reserver to send notification and update reservation information. All reservation policies are then the responsibility of the new reserver. Requests are accepted at any time before or during a reservation.

Self Made Edits:

Additional reservations made online through our website to change an existing reservation, that then requires the original reservation to be cancelled in full or part, will incur at the least a fee equal to the amount of the credit card processing fee and a $5 processing fee. Additional reservation policies may apply.

Adding Guest(s) Policy (applies to camping):

If all guests are not paid for in advance at the time a reservation is made then they must be paid for before the start date and time of the reservation.
Payment processing is available on our website through the main menu under More Info (Edit, Cancel, Add Guest). Additionally, an email reminder with a link is sent 3 days before the start of a reservation. The reserver is responsible for paying for all additional guests. Seek reimbursement from additional guests as we do not accept payment from multiple individuals on one campsite, and there are no refunds for individual guest cancellations. 

You must email to update the number of guests on your campsite to match the headcount upon arrival. You can also reply to any reservation confirmation or reminder email. This ensures we will not be seeking any additional payment upon your arrival.
If you plan to have guests visit during a longer term stay, please be proactive and email with updates to your reservation.

This policy holds strict for the following holidays and events: Memorial Day, Independence Day, Ten Sleep Climbers’ Festival, and Labor Day. It is your responsibility to know who will be camping with you and to collect payment reimbursement from them.

Additional Policies:

No Refunds –
There are no refunds after the start date and time of any reservation.
There are no refunds for additional guests no longer planning to arrive and occupy a campsite.

No Shows –
After the first night of a No Show, and no communication from the reserver, we will send an email. Any reply with an update would be greatly appreciated, but we also understand that you may be out of service. We do not cancel reservations that are paid in full. The campsite will be held until your arrival, and even in the case that you do not arrive at all. There are no refunds or extensions once a reservation starts. We can assist in arranging any changes to your reservation or process refunds if any apply per our policies.

Parking Lots and Limitations –
There is no overnight camping in the Day Use parking lots. There is no parking at any time along the highway shoulder on the front of the property. This is an easement for the Wyoming Department of Transportation between the exterior of the fence line and the highway. Violators may be fined by the County Sheriffs Department. We reserve the right to tow a vehicle if it is parked in an inappropriate location anywhere on the property.

Quiet Hours –
10pm to 8am, with no exceptions. Anyone found in violation of this policy will be asked to vacate the premises without a refund.

Not Paying for Camping –
If anyone is caught intentionally stealing camping by occupying a campsite without paying they will be asked to vacate the premises permanently.

Calendar Example: 24 hours = 1 full day

7+ full days6 full days5 full days4 full days3 full days2 full days1 full day> 1 Full Day
Before the 1st at 3pmAfter the 1st at 3pm to the 2nd at 3pmAfter the 2nd at 3pm to the 3rd at 3pmAfter the 3rd at 3pm to the 4th at 3pmAfter the 4th at 3pm to the 5th at 3pmAfter the 5th at 3pm to the 6th act 3pmAfter the 6th at 3pm to the 7th at 3pmAfter the 7th at 3pm to the 8th at 3pm.
7+ Policy1-6 Policy1-6 Policy1-6 Policy1-6 Policy1-6 Policy1-6 PolicyStart Date

Policy Visual Summary

Type of RequestExample Time Frame of RequestFees or Payments
Full Cancellation (the entire date range) AND
Partial Cancellation (shortening a date range)
7+ Full Days Advance Notice
A request made 7 or more full days before the start date and time of a reservation.
Reservation begins the 8th at 3pm, request must be made on or before the 1st by 3pm. 
Incurs a cancellation fee of 25%, which is deducted from the total original payment. 
Full Cancellation (the entire date range) AND
Partial Cancellation (shortening a date range)
1-6 Full Days Advance Notice
A request made between 1 and 6 full days before the start date and time of a reservation.
Reservation begins the 8th at 3pm, request must be made between the 1st at 3pm and 7th at 3-pm.
Incurs a cancellation fee of 50%, which is deducted from the total original payment.
Requesting Additional Nights (expanding a date range)Requests are accepted at any time before or during a reservation. Option 1 – Reserve additional days online through our website.
Option 2 – Email or call to request additional nights.
Full payment is required when requesting additional nights. This will be treated as a separate reservation, and follow its own cancellation and edit request timeline per our policies.
Rescheduling (changing an entire date range)Requests are accepted 7+ full days before the start date and time of a reservation.
When rescheduling an entire reservation, the requested date range must be within the same calendar year. Each reservation can only be rescheduled once.
This edit incurs a $10 processing fee, in addition to any price difference.
If the total amount due increases full payment is required upon request of change.
If the total amount due decreases any refund will follow the Partial Cancellation policy.
Requesting a Different Accommodation (changing cabins, campsites, or between)Requests are accepted 7+ full days before the start date and time of a reservation.
If the total amount due increases full payment is required upon request of change.
If the total amount due decreases any refund will follow the Partial Cancellation Policy.
Transfer of AccommodationRequests are accepted at any time before or during a reservation. A reservation can only be transferred once to a new person. The accommodation and date range must remain the same. All guests originally paid for must remain on the same site, and there are no refunds. Credit cannot be given to any new guest not originally paid for.
It is the responsibility of the original reserver to send notification and update reservation information. All reservation policies are then the responsibility of the new reserver.
Self Made EditsWhen done at any time to edit an existing reservation.Additional reservations made online through our website to change an existing reservation, that then requires the original reservation to be cancelled in full or part, will incur at the least a fee equal to the amount of the credit card processing fee and a $5 processing fee. Additional reservation policies may apply.

Property & Grounds:

You agree to keep your pet(s) on a leash at all times while on the property. You will not let them wander off unleashed or be left unattended. The front grass area by the large house is off limits to pet(s) as it is part of the private residence. You will not leave your pet unattended in a vehicle for any reason at any time. You agree to carry waste disposal bags and pick up after your pet. In the case your pet is found unattended, off leash, or defecating, you will be warned once. If a pet violently interacts with another pet this is cause for removal off the property. 


Pets are no longer allowed inside any of the cabins. If you plan to bring a pet you will need to reserve a campsite. Pets on leash are of course allowed with day use visitors.


Property Locations:

Fiber Optic WiFi is an amenity available specifically in the Social Area for public use. Additional WiFi amenities are available for those reserving cabins. The Rock Ranch cannot guarantee the quality of signal, and that there will be no disruptions in service as the property is in a forest. You may bring a satellite if you own one.

Other Locations:

If guaranteed high quality and undisrupted services is a requirement for your needs then consider using the free public services of the Ten Sleep or Worland Library for your specifics needs (they do accept donations), or booking your stay in town with another rental.

If you use a local business’ WiFi for an extended period of time consider being a patron. We also suggest you park further away from the front of the establishment, so as to offer regular customers and folks with disabilities ease of parking. Thank you for supporting our town and being a good tourist.

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